Stolen high-end bikes recovered by Kamloops Crime Reduction Unit

Kamloops City

2023-08-22 13:30 PDT

File # 2023-29323/29937

Two bikes totalling more than $15,000 were returned to their rightful owner, following an investigative trail that began with a recent break and enter.

On Saturday Aug. 19, 2023, members of the Kamloops RCMP Crime Reduction Unit were following up on a suspect lead related to an Aug. 14-15 break-in at a business on the 1000-block of Victoria Street. As part of that investigation, officers obtained a search warrant for a residence on St. Paul Street, where two stolen bikes were believed to be located.

During that search, officers did locate two stolen bikes – but related to a different theft that had just occurred the night before, said Corporal Crystal Evelyn, Kamloops RCMP spokesperson. The investigation into the commercial break and enter is still ongoing, but in the meantime, police were able to get a set of bikes worth more than $15,000 back to their rightful owners.

The two bikes that were recovered had been stolen from a bike rack inside a gated parking area on the 900-block of Lorne Street, overnight between Aug. 18 and 19.

The Kamloops RCMP Detachment is grateful for the public support that led to the recovery of these bikes and is reminding the community of how important it is to report suspicious and criminal activities to police, to help prevent and advance these investigations, added Cpl. Evelyn.

Both investigations are ongoing.

Anyone who witnessed or has information related to this weekend’s Lorne Street theft or the Aug. 14-15 break and enter on Victoria Street, is asked to please contact the Kamloops RCMP Detachment at 250-828-3000 and reference file 2023-29937 or 2023-29323.

Released by

Cpl. Crystal Evelyn

Media Relations Officer
Kamloops RCMP
560 Battle Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 6N4
Office: 250-828-3193
Fax: 250-828-3034


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