Kitimat RCMP weekly report April 27 - May 3, 2023


2023-05-06 04:42 PDT

Insecure business:

The Kitimat RCMP was advised of an alarm at a business located on the 200 block of City Centre in Kitimat BC on April 27th, 2023. An officer attended and had found that the business door was unlocked. The business was checked and no one was found inside. A property representative arrived and secured the building. (2023-1380)

Open alcohol consumption:

During routine patrols on the evening hours of April 28th, 2023, a Kitimat RCMP officer, making patrols along the Kitimat River, located several groups of person’s consuming alcohol in public. The officer educated the persons on the possibility of fines for drinking in public and concerns of impaired driving, should a person decide to drive home after consuming alcohol. All people involved were very receptive to the discussions and opted to stop drinking in public, and were able to identify sober drivers. No fines were issued during this interaction. (2023-1407)

Impaired driving:

On April 29th, 2023, the Kitimat RCMP received a call regarding a vehicle that was driving in an unsafe manner on Highway 37, heading towards Kitimat BC. A description of the vehicle was provided which allowed the responding officer to locate the vehicle while making patrols. A traffic stop was conducted and an investigation into impaired operation of a motor vehicle was started with the driver. The driver provided a sample of breath into a road side screening device which resulted in a fail. The driver was issued a 90-day driving prohibition and the vehicle was impounded for 30 days. (2023-1425)

Fighting and intoxicated:

On April 30th, Kitimat RCMP was called to a fight at a business located on the 800 block of Tsimshian Blvd, in Kitimat BC. Upon arrival the responding officer located multiple individuals who were all intoxicated and involved in a fight. One of the persons refused to comply with officer commands and leave the area, as such was arrested for causing a disturbance by being intoxicated in public. As the officers were wrapping up, another person began yelling and also refused to follow commands, and leave the area. As a result, they were also arrested for being intoxicated in a public place. Both arrested parties were brought to Kitimat RCMP cells until they were able to care for themselves. They were released without charge. (2023-1428)

Non-impaired driver:

A report of a possible impaired driver on the Kitamaat Village road was reported to the Kitimat RCMP on May 1st, 2023. The vehicle was located and a traffic stop was initiated. An investigation into impaired operation of a motor vehicle was initiated, however the driver was found to not be intoxicated. It was found that the driver may have swerved to miss something on the roadway. (2023-1451)

Traffic concerns:

May 2, 2023 Kitimat RCMP received a report of a scooter that had been driven over and dragged by a vehicle the day prior in a school parking lot. Police confirmed no injuries happened, however there was concern about the driver had not noticing the scooter. Police spoke to the driver and informed them of what had happened. Kitimat RCMP would like to remind the public to keep extra watch for kids riding scooters and bikes around town, and request that parents remind their children of road safety to prevent potentially dangerous incidents. (23-1459)

Insecure premise:

On May 3, 2023 Police officers from Kitimat RCMP responded to a call regarding an insecure residence. The officers cleared the residence, not locating anything suspicious, then spoke to the homeowner who confirmed there was nothing that appeared to be missing. It was later determined that door was likely accidentally left open. (23-1474)

Released by

Cst. Jenny Muckle

Media Relations Officer
Kitimat RCMP
888 Lahakas Blvd, Kitimat, B.C. V8C 2H9
Office: 250-632-7111
Cell: 778-818-0612


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